31 March 2025
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KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 
CNCF-hosted Co-located Schedule

Monday March 31, 2025 15:20 - 15:55 BST
East-west traffic authorization is a critical component of securing modern Kubernetes workloads, yet the ecosystem's policy enforcement implementations all do things a little bit differently, causing fragmentation and increasing the barrier to entry for new users. While Kubernetes and its subprojects have traditionally focused on network-based authorization, we see an opportunity to transition to identity-based authorization, enabling more secure and scalable policies. But what exactly constitutes an “identity” in Kubernetes, and how do we standardize it?

Lior, Keith, and others have been exploring how to standardize identity-based authorization to enhance security and ensure consistent enforcement across implementations. In this talk, they will share potential approaches, challenges, and a viable way for moving forward. Join the discussion to help shape the future of identity-driven authorization in Kubernetes in conjunction with the Gateway API and Network Policy subprojects.
avatar for Keith Mattix

Keith Mattix

Senior Software Engineer Lead, Microsoft
Keith Mattix is an Engineering Lead at Microsoft focused on Istio, Envoy, Gateway API, and other networking projects.
avatar for Lior Lieberman

Lior Lieberman

Senior Engineering Lead, Google
Lior is an Engineering lead at Google working on Google Compute Engine and Cloud Service Mesh. He is a leading maintainer of ingress2gateway, and an active contributor to Kubernetes SIG network focused on Gateway API.
Monday March 31, 2025 15:20 - 15:55 BST
Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 14-16

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